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mass shooting中文是什么意思

用"mass shooting"造句"mass shooting"怎么读"mass shooting" in a sentence


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  • Until this , the deadliest mass shooting in modern u . s . history was in killeen , texas , in 1991 , when george hennard plowed his pickup truck into a luby ' s cafeteria and shot 23 people dead , then himself
  • It is surely an american oddity that , after the worst mass shooting in the country ' s history , some are already saying that such horrors would be less likely if only guns were easier to own and carry
  • It is surely an american oddity that , after the worst mass shooting in the country ' s history , some are already saying that such horrors would be less likely if only guns were easier to own and carry
    这肯定是美国才有的独特思维方式? ?在发生了美国历史上最恶性的枪击事件以后,竟然已经有人表示说,如果可以更加容易获得和携带枪支的话,那么发生这样恐怖的事件的可能性将会变得小很多。
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